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PAA5 is 5% Peroxyacetic acid in hydrogen peroxide

  • A powerful sanitiser effective against bacteria and their spores, yeasts, moulds, fungi, and their spores, and viruses
  • PAA5’s sanitising action is rapid even at ambient temperatures
  • PAA5 is of particular use for sanitising in breweries, cordial manufacturing plant and milk handling equipment as it is non-foaming, passivates stainless steel, may be used under a carbon dioxide head, and breaks down to acetic acid and oxygen

Made by Ecochem.


This is very corrosive and a strong oxidiser

Wear gloves, protective clothing and eye protection to avoid burns. Breathing the vapour from strong solutions may induce vomiting.

Metric Measurements

The strongest dilution recommendation is 1:100, and the weakest is 1:500. I decided on 1:150 for unknown reasons.

PAA5 Water
1 ml 150 ml
75 ml 5 l
150 ml 10 l
300 ml 20 l
600 ml 40 l

Contact Time

15 minutes or more of contact time.


I have found that the diluted mix can be stored and re-used. If the mix is still quite clear after use I will store it for re-use. The moment it is not clear I will discard it. I discard the mix if it has been used six times or for three brew days.


  • This is based on my experience of using the solution in my home brewery
  • Do not sue me or EcoChem if you follow my re-use instructions